Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 10 June 2013

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 11 March 2013 from 5:30 pm to 7:35 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Bobbin (substitute for Councillor Barnicott), Harrison, Prescott, Ghlin Whelan, Jean Willicombe. Kent County Councillors: Mike Whiting (Chairman), Bowles, Adrian Crowther, Keith Ferrin, Tom Gates, Ken Pugh and Alan Willicombe. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillors Mike Baldock and Peter Macdonald.

Officers Present: Mike Knowles, Kellie Mackenzie and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council) and John Burr, Alan Blackburn, Behdad Haratbar and Chris Hatcher (Kent County Council Highways).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Mike Henderson and David Simmons.

Apologies: Borough Councillors Barnicott and Pat Sandle and Parish Councillor Dave Austin (Kent Association of Local Councils).



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 December 2012 (Minute Nos. 439 - 450) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:

Minute No. 447 (Highway Works Programme 2012/13) In response to KCC Highways report concerning developer contribution for the failed traffic light system and poor junction and traffic management at A2500 (Lower Road, Minster) and Barton Hill Drive, Councillor Peter MacDonald, KALC, suggested no further money should be wasted on this failed junction traffic light system, and the developer's contribution such as it was should be put towards a roundabout which was the original plan.

Minute No. 447 (Highway Works Programme 2012/13) - Councillor Peter MacDonald, KALC, drew to the attention to the serious subsidence of the road at the Queenborough railway junction (Main Road, Queenborough).

Minute No. 447 (Highway Works Programme 2012/13) - Councillor Mike Baldock, KALC, requested an update at the next meeting about the possibility that traffic lights may be introduced at the Key Street, Sittingbourne roundabout junction.

Alan Willicombe requested clarification on a Tunstall minute, which the Chairman gave him and he accepted.


declarations of interest

Councillor David Simmons, whilst not a member of the Board, declared an interest in respect of item 5 (Review of the extension to the pedestrianisation scheme, Faversham).


public session

The Chairman welcomed the members of the public who had registered to speak at the meeting.

Mrs Ann Squires addressed the Board regarding the review of the pedestrianisation scheme in Faversham. She explained that she had been a trader in Faversham town centre for approximately 30 years and before the road had been closed, Friday had always been their busiest day and now it was the worst. She considered that reversing the flow of traffic in Preston Street seemed to be the sensible answer and would improve the situation for traders.

Mrs Spicer, addressed the board regarding the proposed waiting restrictions outside Tunstall Primary School, Tunstall Road, Sittingbourne. Mrs Spicer spoke about how the parking situation at the school was having an adverse impact on her residential amenity. She stated that the majority of teachers drove to the school and even the school's own website advised that parking was a problem and to avoid parking outside the school gates, as it was unsafe. Mrs Spicer spoke about the previous meeting of the JTB when the item was deferred until a decision on the alternative parking proposals had been considered by KCC. Mrs Spicer drew attention to the local survey carried out and 83 per cent of local residents had voted for the installation of the waiting restrictions and urged Board Members to support there implementation. Mrs Spicer circulated photographs which demonstrated the problems caused to local residents by parents inconsiderate parking.

Mr Fergus Hamilton-Jones, student from the Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Faversham, addressed the board about the unfairness of charging sixteen year olds an adult fair to travel on South East Trains. He asked why sixteen year olds, who were restricted in terms of many things that adults were able to access, yet were treated as adults by South East Trains. Mr Hamilton-Jones asked the Board to look at whether it would be possible to change this unfair charge either via a Scrutiny Committee or by speaking to Kent County Council (KCC) to get the fare reduced.

In response to Mr Hamilton-Jones' request, the Chairman agreed to look at how it could be taken forward.

The Chairman advised that Councillor Pat Sandle had handed in a petition with 80 names for a proposal to be put forward to the Council about the implementation of a safe crossing (ie a pelican crossing) outside the school gates, to enable the parents and children to cross safely when coming to Eastchurch Primary School, St Clement site, Leysdown. The Chairman advised that it would be considered at the next meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board.


part a reports for recommendation to cabinet


review of the extension to the pedestrianisation scheme, faversham

The Board considered the report which provided a summary of the recent consultation for the 6 month review of the extension to the pedestrianisation scheme in Faversham Town Centre, to include Fridays.

The Chairman drew attention to the tabled paper from Mrs Brenda Chester outlining her views on the proposals.

Some Members spoke in support of Option 3 and raised comments which included: reversing the flow in Preston Street would help keep the town centre free of traffic; Option 3 would be the best option for local businesses particularly in the current economic climate; Faversham Town Council were in support and they are made up local people so should know what is right for the town and proposed reversal of the traffic would overcome a lot of the problems caused by the current scheme.

A Member spoke against the proposal. He considered that it would disenfranchise the disabled who would not be able to access easily the centre of the town. He spoke about a previous scheme to reverse the traffic flow undertaken by KCC which never happened, due to lack of finances. The Member considered it would damage trade within the town centre and that the more restrictions that were placed on motorists, the more likely it was that they would go elsewhere.

In response to queries the Head of Service Delivery advised that the scheme was likely to cost around £6-8,000 to implement and believed the monies could be found and the scheme progressed very quickly.

The Head of Service Delivery advised that they were liaising with Mrs Brenda Chester as the representative for disabled residents.

(1) That the consultation responses be noted and that Option 3 be progressed.

swale cycle plan

The Chairman welcomed Mr Adrian Oliver, Swale Cycle Forum, to the meeting.

Mr Oliver explained that the Forum had been established in 2011 to bring together cyclists, representatives from Spokes, Sustrans, the national cycling charity CTC and other interested community groups. The Forum worked with local community, Swale Borough Council (SBC) and KCC to enable more people to cycle safely and more often within Swale.

Mr Oliver introduced the Swale Cycling Plan which had been created to assist KCC, KCC Highways and SBC to develop an effective cycling strategy as part of Swale's Transport Strategic Plan.

Mr Oliver outlined the key local priorities that would form the principles for the improvement and development of Swale's cycle network: integrated transport network; schools; working with local employers and distribution centres; health and inequality; leisure and tourism and planning and development.

Mr Oliver drew attention to maps contained within the plan which highlighted existing cycle provision and where they considered the cycle route network would benefit from some improvement. Mr Oliver stated that to make cycling safer improved facilities at schools were needed and more 20 mph speed limits should be implemented.

Mr Oliver stressed the importance of promoting cycling and the need to ensure an adequate cycle plan was in place, so that funding streams could be secured.

Members considered the document and raised comments which included: recommendations 2 and 3 would be extremely difficult to progress; integrated cycle route was needed on the Isle of Sheppey; the proposed 2 metre strip alongside the kerb where most cyclists ride seems too wide; suggested removing the cycle path along Bysingwood Road or joining the end of Bysingwood Road with Oare Road; need to consider pedestrian safety as the width allowed between footpaths and cycle routes is in some places very narrow; a cycle route link with Maidstone was important, perhaps some parts of the old A249 could be considered as possible routes; the route along Bysingwood Road simply does not work and should be removed; needs to be a route linking Eastchurch and Minster and also a link to Leysdown which would improve tourism on the eastern end of the Isle of Sheppey.

The Chairman thanked Mr Oliver for the report and advised Board Members that KCC's Cycle Plan would be considered at the next meeting on 10 June 2013.

(1) That the report be noted.

highway works programme 2012/13

The Board considered the report which provided an update on the identified schemes approved for consultation in 2012/13.

The District Manager showed Members rubber inserts that protected cats' eyes. He stated that most A and B roads in Swale had been upgraded with the inserts. The District Manager explained that with regard to the Find and Fix scheme 40 roads in Swale were in need in of repair and £140,000 funding was available.

At this point, the Chairman introduced John Burr, Director of Highways, to the meeting.

Members of the Board made comments on the work set out within the appendices.

Some Members raised concern that potholes were not being repaired properly which was leading to them becoming more dangerous than they had previously been. This was a waste of tax payers' money.

Mr Burr advised that every pothole was cut square, filled in and compacted. He advised that if Members had evidence that this was not being carried out to call KCC Highways on 08458 247800 or email . Alternatively faults could be reported via the website,

In response to queries, the District Manager advised that it was still the intention to resurface Institute Road, Faversham. With regard to concerns about the footpath in Crescent Road, Faversham by the Tesco store, the District Manager reported that it was intended to install an additional gully next month.

County Councillor Pugh raised concern about pothole repairs in the Broadway, Minster and also from Wards Hill to White House. The District Manager agreed to arrange a site visit with Councillor Pugh.

In response to a query about the bridge works in Bridge Road, Faversham, the Head of Programmed Work stated that the seating deck had warn away so repairs were needed to ensure that it was even and did not bounce as vehicles passed over it.

County Councillor Bowles noted that yellow lines had finally been installed in Brenley Lane and that resurfacing work was to be carried on 24 March 2013. He asked for assurances that the yellow lines would be re-installed immediately after the resurfacing had been completed. The District Manager confirmed that the yellow lines would be reinstated as soon as the resurfacing works were complete.

County Councillor Bowles asked officers if they thought it was acceptable that the road between Neames Forstall with South Street, Selling had been closed for the first 45 days of 2013 due to flooding.

The District Manager explained that they needed to re-build the soakaway under the railway bridge and permission was required from the landowner and others to allow this work to be undertaken.

Members commented on the problems still being experienced at Mill Way, Sittingbourne following the installation of traffic lights to allow entrance to the new Morrisons store. The following concerns were raised: the two lanes from Eurolink Way down to the Morrisons store merge too quickly which was dangerous; still problems exiting from Homebase due to the speed humps and the turn left stacking lane was too short; Mill Way used to be free flowing perhaps the traffic lights should be removed and replaced with a roundabout, or at least remove the turn-right lights to the store; and need to make sure monitoring is carried out as soon as possible as traders were experiencing a shortfall in customers because of the access problems.

Mr Burr agreed to forward information to some of the points raised about Mill Way by the end of the week.

Post Meeting Note - Mill Way

The Head of Transportation has responded to issues raised about Mill Way as follows:

a) exit turning left from Morrisons (merges too quickly) - this was accepted as a departure from standards at the Stage 1 Audit and additional signing was due to be erected on site to advise drivers of the need to merge on the exit from the traffic signals (this is common situation especially in London and just needs a period of adjustment);
b) exit from Homebase (speedhumps to be removed, and turn left stacking lane too short) - the owner of the retail park (which is a private road) has advised that he will remove the speed humps, in addition the hatched lining is due to be changed to provide longer stacking length over both lanes;
c) monitoring period - what is it for this site - it was agreed at the meeting with the retailers at the end of January 2013 that the site would be monitored over a three- month period and an update provided to the retailers at the meeting arranged for 22 April 2013 at Swale Borough Council offices.

(1) That the report be noted.

a common sense plan for safe and sensible street lighting

The Director of Highways introduced the report which provided details of the County Council's plan for safe and sensible street lighting and requested Members' view on the proposals.

The Director of Highways reported that the annual energy cost for street lights was around £5.8million and acknowledged that significant works was needed to meet the challenge of escalating cost of energy, carbon emissions and intense light pollution.

The Director of Highways drew attention to Phase 1 - Trial Switch off of Surplus Lights and Phase 2 - Part-night lighting and asked for Members views on the proposals.

Board Members considered the proposals and raised the following points: welcome trial but hope if a problem is identified early on it can be addressed before the twelve month period finishes; Parishes that have lighting need to be provided with best practice examples in terms of switching off lights; need to ensure emergency services have been properly consulted; majority of street lighting overlaps, perhaps this could be altered after midnight with alternate lights on only; any sheltered housing in a switch off area would stand out and be vulnerable; consider switch-off from 11pm and then turn on at 5am and sensible to be variable in switch-off with sections of the old A249 turned off permanently.

The Director of Highways thanked Members for their comments and agreed to forward best practice to Parish Councils that would be affected.

(1) That the sites selected for the trial switch-off of surplus lights outlined in Appendix A to the report be agreed.
(2) That the exclusion criteria used for the part-night lighting initiative be agreed.
(3) That the hours of switch off for part-night Lighting be agreed but consider a 11pm to 5am switch-off period.

progress update

Members considered the report that gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough.

Councillor Mike Baldock, KALC requested feedback on the proposed waiting restrictions at Tunstall School. Discussions ensued and the Chairman explained that, as previously agreed by the Board, that the item could be considered after KCC had made its decision on the planning application for a car park on land adjacent to the site.

(1) That the Progress Update be noted.

information items

The Chairman drew attention to agenda item No. 10(b) which set out the updated JTB agreement and provided flexibility for a JTB Chairman to vary the number of Parish representatives on the Board.

County Councillor Bowles moved the following motion: That the Swale JTB welcomes the move for JTB Chairman to vary the number of KALC representatives and that Swale has three KALC representatives in perpetuity and that the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste reconsider allowing KALC representatives the opportunity to have voting rights. This was seconded by County Councillor Ferrin. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

(1) That the report be noted
(2) That the report be noted and that Swale JTB welcomes the move for JTB Chairman to vary the number of Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) representatives and that Swale has three KALC representatives in perpetuity and that the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste reconsider allowing KALC representatives to have voting rights. This was seconded by County Councillor Ferrin. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:

1 - Information relating to any individual.
6 - Information which reveals that the authority proposes:-
(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or
(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

part a minutes for confirmation to cabinet


disabled bay installations and removals

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees be noted.
(2) That bays be installed at:
38 Fleetwood Close, Minster
Opposite 105 Marine Parade, Sheerness
25 Abbey Street, Faversham

(3) That the following bays remain:
82 Kingsnorth Road, Faversham
60 Stone Street, Faversham
5 Linden Drive, Sheerness
14 Melody Close, Warden
86 Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting